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Instead of buzzwords or mnemonics, we emphasize understanding of the basic and preclinical sciences, so you can Study Smarter for success in medical school.īoards & Beyond Step 2-3-Clinical content expands your foundation into clinical topics, including in-depth discussions of diagnosis and treatment. Here’s how Boards & Beyond describes their offering:īoards & Beyond Step 1-Preclinical provides an online virtual curriculum to supplement your coursework and build your foundation in all preclinical topics. For example, students in their first and second years would find the Preclinical bundle more appropriate, while students entering clinical rotations or internships would likely prefer the Clinical bundle. The Preclinical bundle is best suited for USMLE® Step 1 exam preparation and the Clinical bundle is best suited for USMLE® Step 2 and Shelf exam preparation.įor those who don’t have Step or Shelf exams coming up in the near future, we recommend you purchase the bundle most applicable to your current stage of medical school.